Lauren and Hannah Heerschap in the fieldBrunton is now a family-owned, geologist-owned— and, for the first time, woman-owned—Wyoming small business.

The Brunton brand is known and sold worldwide, especially in the geology community where a pocket transit of any model is simply called “a Brunton.” The Geological Society of America is eager to continue working with the company under its new ownership. In Lauren Heerschap, GSA has a true partner with deep connections: she received a GSA graduate student research grant while working on her master’s degree, and participated in a GSA Penrose Conference in Taiwan. She became a student member of GSA in 2002 and has attended, presented, and worked at many GSA annual and section meetings since then.

Read our article in GSA Today’s May edition for the full story and be sure to check out the special offer from Brunton available to all GSA members.

Caption: Brunton’s Lauren Heerschap gets help from the littlest field assistant: Hannah, Lauren and David’s daughter, is “now too heavy to carry for miles up into the mountains—she has to hike it herself!”

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