The Peter Birkeland Soil Geomorphology Award supports research grants to students in the field of soil geomorphology. 2022 Recipient Nora Vaughan, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Project title: “Factors Controlling Holocene Piedmont Hillslope Processes”
Kirk Bryan Award
The Kirk Bryan Award recognizes the author or authors of a published paper of distinction advancing the science of geomorphology or related field, such as Pleistocene Quaternary geology. 2022 Recipient Timothy Beach, The University of Texas; Project title: 2019. Ancient Maya wetland fields revealed under tropical forest canopy from laser scanning and multiproxy evidence: Proceedings […]
Donald R. Coates Geomorphology Student Research Fund
The Donald Coates Geomorphology Student Research Award is intended to recognize “individuals who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color as well as all other groups that are underrepresented in the geosciences.” 2022 Recipient Cameron Reed, The University of New Mexico; Project title: “Bedrock Incision History of the Rio Grande and Pecos River Systems of […]
Gladys W. Cole Research Award
The Gladys W. Cole Award supports research in the geomorphology of semi-arid and arid terrains in the United States and Mexico. No awardee for 2022
Denton, Andrews, Porter Glacial Geology Award
The Denton, Andrews, Porter Glacial Geology fund supports research grants to graduate or undergraduate students in the field of glacial geology through the Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division (QG&G). 2022 Recipient Victoria Halvorson, Dartmouth College; Project title: “Constraining the Timing of Deglacial Warming in Costa Rica”
Arthur D. Howard Research Award
The Arthur D. Howard Award is presented to an outstanding M.S. student, on the basis of a research proposal submitted to the GSA student research grant program by the Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division. 2022 Recipient Hannah Holtzman, State University of New York at Buffalo; Project title: “Using leaf wax hydrogen isotopes to reconstruct Holocene […]
J. Hoover Mackin Research Award
The Mackin Award supports graduate research (Ph.D.) in Quaternary geology or geomorphology. 2022 Recipient Jeremy Brooks, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Project title: “Investigating Holocene rates and spatial patterns of subglacial erosion using the in situ cosmogenic nuclide Be-10 at the Juneau Icefield”
John Montagne Award
The Montagne Fund supports programs and activities of GSA with a focus on structural geology, stratigraphy, and geomorphology, with emphasis on education and outreach.
Marie Morisawa Award
The Morisawa Award supports promising women M.S. and Ph.D. graduate students pursuing a career in geomorphology. 2022 Recipient Hannah Richardson, Boise State University; Project title: “Off-glacier stream source water contribution variation in the Wolverine Glacier Watershed, Alaska”
Troy L. Péwé Award
The purpose of the Péwé fund is to support research grants to graduate students in the field of periglacial geology through the Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division (QG&G).