Lydia Fox is Associate Professor of Geological & Environmental Sciences at University of the Pacific. She is also the Director of Undergraduate Research for the university. Her research is in the area of Mesozoic granites and hydrothermal alteration. She is passionate about teaching and connecting undergraduates to research opportunities. She received Pacific’s Distinguished Faculty Award, the Spanos Distinguished Teaching Award. Lydia received her B.S.E. in geological engineering from Princeton University and her Ph.D. in geological sciences from University of California, Santa Barbara.
Prior to beginning her academic career, Lydia worked as a field engineer for Schlumberger Well Services in Louisiana and as a geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park. Before joining University of the Pacific in 1990, she taught at California State University, Northridge. At Pacific, she served as department chair from 1998–2014, facilitating the addition of a major in Environmental Sciences. She has been the Director of the interdisciplinary Environmental Studies program since 2004.
Lydia is a Fellow of GSA. She was a member of Project Kaleidoscope Faculty for the 21st Century (PKAL-21) and served as their Scientist-in-Residence in 1996. She is an active member of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR), served as the Chair of the CUR Geosciences Divisions (2004–2006), and has served as chair of numerous CUR committees. Lydia is currently the chair of the Field Camp Scholarship Committed for the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) and serves on the Executive Committee of the Education Section of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).