Dominic Aluia in the fieldDominic Aluia’s field camp experience changed his life, reaffirming his interest in environmental consulting and leading to his first job in the industry.

Where did you attend field camp?

I attended field camp in Kalamazoo, Michigan, with the Western Michigan University Hydrogeological Field Camp.

What did receiving the field camp scholarship mean to you?

I am honored to be one of the recipients of the GSA Field Camp Award. Receiving this prestigious award meant a great deal to me. When I was in a lecture and completing field demonstrations, I was able to focus on mastering the content instead of worrying about how to finance the experience.

What did that experience teach you about the geosciences, yourself, and your future career?

My biggest takeaway from this program is that there is a real need for talented geoscientists who are ready to join teams that promote environmental stewardship and who have a solid understanding of Earth’s interacting systems.

What opportunities did attending field camp provide that you wouldn’t have had otherwise?

This camp affirmed my interest in environmental consulting, and I am happy to say I secured my first job in the industry by highlighting my groundwater field camp experiences. This camp provided me with hands-on experience using equipment and software most commonly used in the environmental consulting field that I was not exposed to in my undergraduate program.

In your opinion, how important is field camp for geoscience students?

Field camp is a must for geology students. Not only for the knowledge and skills learned but also for the tremendous networking opportunities with faculty and industry professionals, in addition to other future geologists and environmental scientists. It was inspiring to be surrounded by so many other students that shared my passion for groundwater sustainability and environmental health.

Why should individuals support field camp opportunities for students?

Benefactors of this scholarship should know that their donations are helping to connect some of the brightest and most promising geology students to fantastic resources that will ensure that the next generation of geologists and geoscientists is equipped with the necessary skills and open-mindedness to lead our discipline to new heights.


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