The purpose of the Fund is to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the general field of soil or paleosol (buried or fossilized soil) science
Victor R. Baker Graduate Student Research Grant Award
The purpose of the Fund is to support graduate student research in the fields of fluvial geomorphology, paleoflood hydrology, or planetary geomorphology.
Gary Fuis and Stacey Andrews Fund
The Gary Fuis and Stacey Andrews Fund’s purpose is to support graduate student research grants for research, including both geology and geophysics.
Author’s Fund
The purpose of this fund is to provide financial support to authors of articles accepted for publication in the GSA open access journals that require publication fees. As of January 2018, Geosphere is 100% open access.
Claude C. Albritton Memorial Research Grant
The Claude C. Albritton, Jr., Award provides research scholarships and fellowships for graduate students in the earth sciences or archaeology. 2022 Recipient Tristan Bench, University of Washington; Project title: “Examining the Chronology of the Foothills Erratics Train, Alberta with In-situ Optical Surface Exposure Dating”
Donald L. Biggs Memorial Education Award
The Biggs Award recognizes innovative and effective teaching of earth science among early career faculty. 2022 Recipient Christy Visaggi, Georgia State University
Peter Birkeland Soil Geomorphology Award
The Peter Birkeland Soil Geomorphology Award supports research grants to students in the field of soil geomorphology. 2022 Recipient Nora Vaughan, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Project title: “Factors Controlling Holocene Piedmont Hillslope Processes”
Marland Pratt Billings and Katherine Fowler-Billings Research Award
The Marland Pratt Billings and Katharine Fowler-Billings Fund for Research in New England Geology funds fieldwork-based proposals focusing on New England and adjacent regions of Canada and New York. Successful proposals emphasize field research that leads to geologic mapping and related spatial analysis; purely sampling or laboratory-based proposals are generally not funded. No Awardee for […]
John M. Birdsall Distinguished Lecturer Fund
The Birdsall Fund, in combination with the Shirley J. Dreiss Memorial Fund, supports the Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecture Series on hydrogeology. 2022 Recipient Dr. Kenneth Belitz, USGS; Project titles: “The Quality of Groundwater Used for Public Supply in the Continental United States,” and “Old Problems, New Approach: Applications of Ensemble-Tree Machine Learning to Hydrogeology”
John A. Black Research Award
The Black Award funds graduate student field-based research in coastal geomorphology, with a preference for field-based research on coastal processes located in the USA, Puerto Rico, or Canada. 2022 Recipient Pedro Matos-Llavona, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Project title: “Quantifying sediment delivery to reservoirs after Hurricane Maria”