At GSA Connects, Jordan Allen was matched with a mid-career scientist working in academia as a mentor. This mentor helped Jordan navigate the world of science from a different perspective.
What was the most impactful aspect of your OTF experience?
This was my first time attending GSA. I really appreciated OTF for matching me with a mentor for the meeting. This process allowed me to meet a mid-career scientist working in academia. I learned so much about my mentor’s story and how to navigate the world of science from a different perspective. Dr. Suarez came to my poster to learn about my research. She also invited me to her poster. I made sure to reach out to her after the conference and we will continue to keep in touch.
What do you remember most from GSA 2021?
I will remember the new young and motivated scientists I met during the conference. We all have very different backgrounds and interests, some wanted to pursue careers in policy, academia, industry, and entrepreneurship. I think one of the things that I took away from our discussions and interactions was that we all wanted to make a difference in our field of study as well as in the world. I have no doubt that we will.
I also will remember attending the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee meeting. I thought the meeting went well and there were some great ideas. I am looking forward to the action plan set by the committee.
What was your mentorship experience like? Would you consider returning to serve as a mentor?
My mentorship experience was phenomenal. Please provide everyone with a mentor. We all need guidance in some way.
I would love to return and serve as a mentor.
How do you see OTF influencing or impacting your future?
This experience really gave me the confidence to continue my science journey and complete my Ph.D. I had so much fun talking about my research during the poster session and meeting new people. I also learned about other students’ research. This experience will impact my future through mentorship and networking.
What would you like to say to donors thinking about supporting programs like OTF?
We need this program. Please provide funding for more students; just give it time and you will see the success of students from OTF.