Unleashing Potential: The Transformative Power of Field Camp Scholarships

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As the sun sets on yet another day in the field, aspiring geoscientists gather around, sharing stories, discoveries, and dreams. They’re not just participants; they’re torchbearers for the future of geology. For many geologists, field camp is more than just an important educational journey. The boots-on-the-ground experience, where theoretical knowledge becomes tangible reality, catalyzes a […]

Celebrating 10 Years of OTF and Looking To the Future

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“On To the Future (OTF) creates shared joy, and a more certain future, for OTF Scholars, OTF Mentors, and GSA overall. The joy is generated the moment new OTF Scholars step into the GSA Annual Meeting space and begin to recognize what they are a part of …scientifically, personally, and through enduring opportunities to contribute […]

Looking Back with Thanks; Leaping Ahead with Enthusiasm

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With the bright outlook of a new year, the GSA Foundation is sincerely thankful for the generosity of our donors. Many GSA programs benefit from your support, and here are a few highlights from the last year. Thanks to your contributions, the GSA Foundation was able to fund a record thirty J. David Lowell Field […]

A Walk in the Park…

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… Wild, vast, Denali National Park, to be exact. We stood at the abrupt end of a gravel road, a chilling wind rolling up over its brink, staring across a tumbling mountainside a hundred yards to another precipitous edge where the road re-started. My mind needed time to make sense of the visual chaos in […]

A Benefit for GSA Foundation Supporters: Donor Field Trips

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Camaraderie over happy hour after dusty days in the field, friendships forged under the hot desert sun, new personal and professional connections: Although these things may not be what lured attendees to the GSA Foundation’s first-ever Death Valley Rendezvous in 2019, they are the kinds of experiences and connections that 25 participants left with after […]

Update: Corporate Partners Add to the GSA Experience

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Corporate partners and sponsors generate unique opportunities at GSA. The various mechanisms for company participation are each important to the Society’s programming in distinctive ways. Meeting sponsorship can be tailored and more expansive than it might first sound. After exhibiting at GSA’s annual meeting over the years, Bruker Nano Analytics opted for greater participation in […]

Legacy Gifts: Giving Over a Longer Timescale

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More than most, geologists know the value of considering a longer timescale. Often, donations are made to meet an immediate need, but a legacy gift can ensure support far beyond current needs and usually, on a larger scale. GSA has served geologists at all stages of their careers for nearly 135 years, thanks in large […]

From Field Geologist to CEO: Brunton Is in New Hands

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Brunton is now a family-owned, geologist-owned— and, for the first time, woman-owned—Wyoming small business. The Brunton brand is known and sold worldwide, especially in the geology community where a pocket transit of any model is simply called “a Brunton.” The Geological Society of America is eager to continue working with the company under its new […]